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Why businesses need access to expert HR support for Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion.

Updated: Jul 8

HR management can be perceived to be all about protection and compliance. In reality, it’s all about helping you get the most from your biggest asset – your people. As a company grows in worker numbers, the need for strategy and implementing best practices when it comes to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion becomes even more prevalent.  

Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion, or DE&I, are commonly grouped together but they are three distinct topics: 

  • Diversity – recognising the benefits of having a diverse workforce. 

  • Equality – treating the workforce as equals and not discriminating against anyone unlawfully. 

  • Inclusion – creating a workplace where individuals can thrive.  

All three areas need to be managed correctly throughout the organisation. Legislation around DE&I is evolving all the time, as is best practice and guidance. It’s an area which requires expertise from a qualified HR professional. Let’s take a closer look at the importance of having access to expert HR support when it comes to diversity, equality and inclusion. 

Why businesses need access to expert HR support for Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion.


  1. DE&I is about more than compliance 

Too often, the perspective of DE&I (and HR management in general) is focused on compliance and ‘ticking boxes’. Companies go through the motions of demonstrating that they have complied with employment legislation in case a dispute arises. They understand that getting DE&I wrong could lead to a costly employment tribunal.  

The cost of getting DE&I wrong is far greater than legal costs. It’s greater than damage to the company’s reputation. It’s the cost of lost opportunity from building a workforce that is diverse and truly inclusive. 

With support and expertise from the right HR consultancy, a company can identify where potential unconscious bias exists, create a safe space for employees to share their honest views, and go on to develop a comprehensive DE&I strategy.   


  1. DE&I requires a strategy to build a truly inclusive workplace 

There are no shortcuts when it comes to DE&I. One-off training sessions aren’t what’s needed here. Building a truly inclusive workforce is an ongoing process. The company culture needs to be nurtured. It goes back to our previous point – DE&I goes beyond compliance. DE&I needs to be considered throughout every level of the business. Everyone plays a part in building an inclusive and diverse company culture, and everyone benefits from the results too.  

A comprehensive DE&I strategy creates a roadmap that integrates DE&I into every aspect of company culture, from recruitment to leadership development. Working with an expert HR consultant will help you to nurture that inclusive culture and keep the strategy up-to-date as best practices (and legislation) evolve. 


  1. A sustainable DE&I culture brings great rewards. 

Investing in DE&I in your company achieves so much more beyond compliance with employment legislation. Studies consistently show that companies with strong DE&I practices outperform their competitors. 

Your employees will feel seen and valued. They will be more productive and engaged as a result. The diversity of individuals will boost creativity and innovation, potentially creating new business opportunities. You’ll attract the very best talent out in the market with a strong employer brand and retain them for longer.   

Expert HR advice can look at where your company is today and create the right DE&I strategy to build a sustainable DE&I culture for the future.   


Is your company in need of an HR Consultant with expert DE&I experience? 

At ProspHR Solutions, we have the wealth of knowledge and experience to help your company build a sustainable culture with diversity, equality and inclusivity at its heart. We can assess your current DE&I practices, allowing your employees to speak openly and confidently about their experiences. We go beyond guidance and training, we can help define a DE&I strategy that aligns with your business goals and engages everyone.  

ProspHR Solutions brings the human as well as commercial focus to HR. We have the expertise and know-how to take care of all your HR needs, whilst supporting you to leverage your people power to drive organisational effectiveness. Get in touch via email or call us on 0345 548 2124. 

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