At ProspHR Solutions, we’ve been helping growing companies maximise their workforce potential for two decades. Just as a business has a growth plan, so too should the employees within it. This takes the form of a Personal Development Plan, or PDP.
At ProspHR, we don’t believe in creating PDPs for the sake of them, simply filing them away until an annual review. A PDP needs to be a living, breathing document to serve any real purpose to the employer or the employee.
In this article, we explore some of the key benefits of an employee having a PDP.
Why every employee needs a personal development plan.
1. Improved Performance and Productivity.
Perhaps the most obvious benefit to having a PDP is that by investing in the skills and knowledge of employees, you’ll see an uplift in their performance and productivity. A thorough, well-thought-out PDP will ascertain the needs of the business and align it with the personal needs and goals of the individual.
2. Increased Employee Engagement and Retention.
As you’ve probably experienced yourself, when you have a clear path for growth, you understand how those steps in your development contribute to the end goal. You’re invested in the process as you can see the full picture. When an employer takes the time to invest in a PDP, it’s a clear indication to the employee that they are valued and the company is committed to their development. As a result, the employee feels a sense of loyalty and belonging and is more likely to be more invested in their work. This can lead to increased job satisfaction, reduced turnover, and a more positive company culture.
3. Spotlight on Key Talent.
A PDP is a great tool to help you identify and develop key individuals in your teams, those who could be the future leaders of the business. This is essential if your business operates in a highly competitive market and part of your strategy is to cultivate a strong pipeline of future leaders. By investing in them today, not only do you have the opportunity to shape their development and track their progress, you’ll also be building up loyalty and trust. Your future talent also has the opportunity to help shape the company culture, one which they want to remain a part of for the long term.
A key investment in your business.
A PDP is not a tick-box exercise. It’s a strategic tool to help create a culture of continuous improvement, where employees feel valued, motivated and aligned with the aspirations of the business.
Whether you have already invested in PDPs or this is an area of HR you’d like to explore, speak to our HR consultants by booking a Prosperity call. Email or call us on 0345 548 2124.